Sunday, August 10, 2008

Homework? To give or not to give

Homework is stupid (original song)

With school starting back we all need to face the never ending question of homework. We give it and its doesn't come back. We put in in agendas, folders, online and in newsletters and yet the homework dilema continues.Do we give too much? too little? Is it the students' or the parent's responsibility?

The Edutopia Poll
by Sara Bernard

It's all over the news: Kids are spending a lot of time on homework. And, according to some, it's far too much. With the current emphasis on high-stakes testing, educators are trying to do more with less, which can result in an overabundance of schoolwork outside of school. Some critics say there is no evidence to suggest that homework, in and of itself, is helpful to student achievement; on the contrary, too much of it can overwhelm students and cause them to disengage. Others, however, maintain that homework is necessary and helpful, designed so students can practice the concepts taught in class, build good study habits, and reflect on their own learning. How much homework is too much? We're interested in your opinion.
Do today's students have too much homework?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I believe homework is definetely needed! However, I do not know how much is "too much." Sometimes homework is just "busy work" for the kids. I believe we (teachers) need to provide homework that reiews previosly taugh skills, but also work that is challengig to allow room for growing in our advanced students.